Your Happy Family

Call us: +91 2966 290056
+91 94148-29826
+91 77279-13034
JR Nursing,
Gowari - Sagwara, Dungarpur
Rajasthan, India



All Round Development Of Students

Academic developments, as well as, personality development of the students have been our major concerns. We make efforts to bring about all sided personality development of our students. With a view to achieve this objective the college undertakes numerous student welfare activities. We give our students wider academic exposure through various seminars, workshops, free eye camp and blood donation camp.
A medical check-up is organized every year for the students.


General nursing & midwifery:
The course approved by respective councils such as INC, GNC and GOR. The intake capacity for course as approved by the respective councils is given in the.


Table 1: Intake capacity of constitute college
S. No. Name of College Courses Intake Capacity Place



The duration of the courses for G.N.M. shell be three years duration. There should be a preliminary period of 12 weeks. During this time students will attend the wards for observation and supervised practice not exceeding 16 hours per weeks.


  • Admission is open to candidate from Dungarpur and Udaipur region, provided they meet the basics.
  • The candidate should have attained the minimum age of 17 years and maximum 34 year for female or minimum age of 17 year and maximum age 28 year for male before 1st October year of the admission.(Giving age consideration 5 year to ST/SC/OBC candidate.)
  • The candidate has passed 10+2 in any discipline from recognized examination board.
  • The candidate have obtained minimum 35% for ST/SC and 40% for OBC/GEN in 10+2 examination.

Admission Process:

  • The admission process will be initiated as per the directives of the state government.
  • Government component authority will do the admission through counselling for 50% seat and reaming 50 % seats filled by private nursing federation Jaipur.

Training Period:

The first three month or (11-12 weeks) of training is called preliminary period at the end of which there will be an examination and the successful candidate will be allowed to continue the course. The failed candidate is given a second chance and if they are found unfit, they will not be allowed to continue their studies.

Rules and Regulations:

Discipline: The candidates admitted in the colleges are bound by the discipline and conduct rules of the college. A Disciplinary committee will deal with cases of indiscipline or when referred to it by the Principal to the committee. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final and binding on the student.

Ragging: Ragging within or outside the educational institutions is strictly prohibited. Ragging is criminal offence under the Anti-Ragging Act. The college has already framed rules and regulations in this regard and students involved in ragging will be subjected to such disciplinary proceeding including filing of a case as prescribed.

Cancellation and Refund of Fees: The fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. If candidate cancels the admission during the course, he/ she has to pay the entire course fee excluding hostel fee.


Behaviour And Discipline

1. Hostelites are expected to display acceptable form of behavior, maintain discipline and decorum in the hostel complex.
2. All students are expected to be in the hostel immediately after the  classes / clinicals and they are not allowed to go to others rooms. If  any student wish to be away from the hostel during the weekend, holidays or any other time he / she must take prior permission from the  concerned authority.
3. Students shall strictly report to the hostel within the allotted time.  Students not returning within the time allotted or reported /returned late will be considered as misconduct and viewed seriously.
4. Students should cooperate in carrying out maintenance work and  vacate their rooms completely when the hostel management requires  the rooms for this purpose.
5. All the residents should sign the completed inventory form of their  room.
6. In case of damage to or loss of hostel property the cost will be recovered from the students responsible, if identified or from all the students of the hostel as decided by the hostel management.
7. Pasting of posters, writings, wall chalking slogans of any kind or defacing the hostel in any form is not allowed
8. The residents shall not move any furniture / fittings from its proper allotted place.
9. Smoking, use of tobacco, gutka, panmasala, alcohol and drugs etc. will not be permitted in the entire campus. Any student violating these norms will be referred to the disciplinary committee for necessary action
10. All the students are expected to be properly dressed before moving out from the hostel premises, decent and dignified dress will reflect your personality.
11. Male residents are not allowed in the ladies hostel and vice versa.
12. Residents are advised in their own interest not to keep money or other valuable in their rooms. If they keep the hostel authorities do not hold themselves responsible for any loss of private property belonging to residents.
13. Parents shall directly send a letter / fax / e-mail to the Principal for permission to take the students for any important functions / emergency.
14. No one other than parents and authorized local guardian is allowed to see the students in the hostel, students will not be allowed to take their student friends to meet their visitors, visitors are not permitted to go to the students room.